Good Old Senator Wiener

Posted by Toyomi on Tuesday, September 13, 2011.

The whole scandal that involves Senator Wiener was way to big of an issue. The story is that he accidentally posted a lewd picture onto his public Twitter Timeline that was supposed to be a direct message to someone. Well this someone was a college coed. Of course he denies ever sending it and of course the college coed will deny any accusation that says they had a relationship. Everyone thinks that this was such a big deal for many reasons. Many people think that since he was married he shouldn't have been sending pictures to anyone at all. Many people also think that if he was going to be sending picture then it should be to someone around his age. Most people though were just upset at the whole issue.

Now onto my point. All I have to say is who cares ?! Why is it even any of our business? Guess what, it's not. Things like this happen every single day. This was only such a big deal because this man was a senator. If he was just a regular old person no one would even bat an eye. The problem with America is that we're just so nosy. We're all curious by nature and sometimes that can just get involved in things that aren't our business. I could really care less what he's doing and who he's doing it with. If his wife doesn't have a problem with it then so be it. If the college coed is of legal age then let them do whatever they please. We just need to stay out of his business. This was an accident and only accident. This affair could have gone on for sooo much longer had he hit direct message, so people need to just calm down. Senator Wiener is innocent in my eyes and had no reason to resign.

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