Charlie Sheen

Posted by Toyomi on Friday, September 30, 2011.

We all know who Charlie Sheen is right? He's always talking about winning or "twinning" for that matter. He's known for drinking tiger's blood and doing insane amounts of coke. He's also known for being associated with multiple prostitutes and just all around being all around outrageous. Aside from all the outrageous claims, he's most known for being on the TV show Two and a Half Men. Of course he was recently killed off the show because of the way he carrying himself. My question is who cares? Or another question could be should he have been killed off on the show? Everyone was really in an uproar about his tweets and they were almost excited that he was off the show.

Guess what? He's due for his own show know so now what. I could really care less what Charlie Sheen doing and who he is doing it with for that matter. This goes back to my post about Senator Wiener. People do the same things that Charlie are doing everyday if not more outrageous and nobody pays attention to them. Now can someone tell me exactly what the big deal is? There is no big deal. Again people just need to mind their business a let life go on. Of course it won't happen because what Charlie is doing is said to be so hostile and heinous. My biggest issue with everything that is closely related to these situations is why don’t us normal people get this kind of publicity. Celebrities are just like you or I and shouldn’t be receiving any kind of special treatment. Giving him all this publicity doesn't make anything any better. Everyone should just him be.

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