Illegal Immigrants And Drunk Driving

Posted by Toyomi on Tuesday, August 30, 2011.

Matthew Denice dies and you'd think that people would be angry because of his death. Luckily Americans are the most selfish people to live. In Milford there was man who got killed by a drunk illegal immigrant. Everyone was in a uproar about him being dead of course, but also about that the race of the person who committed the crime. They were angry because the man was an illegal immigrant. Not only are Americans selfish but they are ignorant. They have become more angry with the race of the murderer rather than the death at hand. In what world does that make since? Apparently in the country of the USA it's completely accepted. Many people agree with everything that is going on, but I'm completely appalled and disgusted with the rest of these people.

I agree that immigration is a problem in the USA. I also believe that this country was based upon immigration so there isn't any reason for anybody to be angry about them being here. This is beside the point but the death of Matthew Denice has nothing and I mean absolutely nothing to do with immigration. If Matthew Denice had been hit by someone who was legal ; I think it would have been much more accepted. Of course no murder is right and no murder should be accepted all. But the Matthew Denice case has been blown way out of proportion. After his death everyone now wants to cut on immigration when the real problem is drunk driving. No matter what race you are when you get drunk you can hurt anyone. With that being said you can see that most Americans are just plain idiotic and can't differentiate between the problem and the race of a character.

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