Day 2 ; Ceeping

Posted by Toyomi on Monday, August 22, 2011.

I love where she put me in her room. It's the perfect spot. Where has she put me you ask? She left me here sitting on her television. Since her bed is facing toward the TV I can watch her sleep so silently and beautifully. I know what you're thinking; he's creepy. I'm not a creep don't worry; I just like to watch her as she sleeps. When she is in her deep slumber she breathes so quietly just like a new born baby. As I watch her sleep I wish that I could snuggle in bed with her. I know that would be a little weird but I can't help myself. Her bed just looks so inviting. Everything about that makes me want to just plop myself down into it. Maybe one day she'll even take me into bed with her. I don't know what I'll have to do to get in that bed. I promise one day I will lie in that bed.

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