Charlie Sheen

Posted by Toyomi on Friday, September 30, 2011.
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We all know who Charlie Sheen is right? He's always talking about winning or "twinning" for that matter. He's known for drinking tiger's blood and doing insane amounts of coke. He's also known for being associated with multiple prostitutes and just all around being all around outrageous. Aside from all the outrageous claims, he's most known for being on the TV show Two and a Half Men. Of course he was recently killed off the show because of the way he carrying himself. My question is who cares? Or another question could be should he have been killed off on the show? Everyone was really in an uproar about his tweets and they were almost excited that he was off the show.

Guess what? He's due for his own show know so now what. I could really care less what Charlie Sheen doing and who he is doing it with for that matter. This goes back to my post about Senator Wiener. People do the same things that Charlie are doing everyday if not more outrageous and nobody pays attention to them. Now can someone tell me exactly what the big deal is? There is no big deal. Again people just need to mind their business a let life go on. Of course it won't happen because what Charlie is doing is said to be so hostile and heinous. My biggest issue with everything that is closely related to these situations is why don’t us normal people get this kind of publicity. Celebrities are just like you or I and shouldn’t be receiving any kind of special treatment. Giving him all this publicity doesn't make anything any better. Everyone should just him be.

The Death Penalty

Posted by Toyomi on Thursday, September 29, 2011.
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Everybody knows about the age old debate of the death penalty. You either have death by the chair or by lethal injection. Most people say that it's cruel and inhumane. No matter what the crime people usually believe that the death penalty is wrong and it should never happen. I'm still wondering exactly what kind of sense that makes. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but at what point does it become ridiculous.

I personally am pro-death penalty. I'm pro death penalty for endless reasons. To think that someone could brutally murder a family and just get sent to jail is astounding. To think that a little girl could be raped and have her innocence taken away without any justice is absolutely horrible. The death penalty was not invented just to not be used. People constantly argue that don't you think it's better to give them a life sentence in jail and them rot away. NO! This is not even close to the truth. You don't rot away in jail at all. You are still able to contact your family and receive visits. You are still able to eat, drink and pee. You basically live in luxury if anything. You rarely do anything for yourself and you get free time to go out and play ball. What kind of logic is this? Now take into consideration that the person that was killed can no longer see their family let alone spend time with them. The person who is dead can no longer eat, drink and pee. That little kid can no longer go out and play ball like you. That person's life is gone forever. The person who was raped will also be mentally and physically scarred forever. Also the death penalty is the right choice because the person who commits such heinous acts may end up dead in jail anyway. The people in jail cells also could believe in the death penalty and kill you because they feel so strongly. I also personally believe that if you are going to kill someone so brutally than you should be killed the same exact way but of course that isn’t humane, so you might as well just get right in that chair. If you’re going to rape someone brutally then of course you should be raped twice as bad but of course that isn't humane, so just hop right into that chair. No matter what I will always believe in the death penalty because it’s the most humane thing to do rather than killing the killer yourself.

I'm Excited

Posted by Toyomi on Friday, September 23, 2011.
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 It's my last day in this house! I'm so excited. I mean I'm pretty sure it's my last day. She was talking about it to her friend Ashley. She was talking about how she was so excited to get rid of me. She said that I was a pointless piece of crap to write about. Despite what she says I don't care. I'm just as ready to get out of this house just as much as she is ready to get rid of me. My cold is almost gone and I'm excited to meet someone new. Maybe I'll be in front of a window where I can get some sunlight. This almost makes me wonder if she treats all of her other belongings this way. Either way I'm so ready to get out of this house and to do something new.


Posted by Toyomi on Thursday, September 22, 2011.
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I think I'm starting to fall apart. It's damp dark and cold in this little box that she has me stored in. I'm starting to get the sniffles. I can't smell anymore which makes me nervous. My eyes are heavy and I'm always sneezing. I have a pretty heavy cough and I have a headache. Not to mention this never ending rain. I'm not sure when the last time I actually witnessed that thing called sunlight. Since I'm right next to her window I can see what's going on out of this little crack in my little home. I wish she would take me out and tend to me a bit. My string is drenched in snot because I've been using it to wipe my nose. My otherwise clear complexion is become green from the sneezing and snot. This sickness is starting to get the best of me. I need some fluids. Maybe orange some juice? I just need something. Of course though I'm not going to get any because she doesn't pay any attention to me. Each day I'm getting that more restless. I really think I need to see a doctor. Maybe my next owner will take some care of me. I think I'll get some shut eye now considering that's the only thing I can do now.

Living A Brighter Life

Posted by Toyomi on Wednesday, September 21, 2011.
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Another day another boring outcome. Here I am just being my normal self wishing just to do something different. I'm always complaining about being an iPod case but I really do want to be something else. We've already went over that I at least want to be a different color or a new model. Now I just want to do bigger and better things. Why can't I just be the iPod itself? Why can't I even be the maker of the iPods? I don't mind being involved with the iPod, but I'd rather have a more important job. Living this life is just so boring. Can someone just make me into something else.  Something more important and something worth wanting to keep.  Something more attractive and something edgy. The life I live is starting to get very old and repetitive especially in this house. What can I do in this boring dark room? I'm contemplating on just leaving and starting a new life.

Can I Be Another Model

Posted by Toyomi on Tuesday, September 20, 2011.
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I really just want to be something different. I want a change. I'm sick of being the same old thing. I figure if I have to be an iPod case; can I at least upgrade. I'm tired of being the same old clear lifeless case. I want color! I want to cover a more expensive iPod! I want to be something completely different. I want to be able to hold an iTouch 4g. I want to be a gold glitter case. I just want to feel important. I want someone to be proud to put me on their iPod. I don't want to be just like any old thing. I wish I wasn't attached to some silly string. Being attached to a string makes me feel like I'm going to get lost I want to be the type of case that everyone ones. I mean the point of the case is to encase the iPod; but come on let's spice it up a little bit. Even though I'm a guy; I don't mind being pink. I wish my design matched my quality and personally. No one hears me though but I bet you would take me seriously. You would see that I'm dedicated and I'm even will to endure the horrible surgery. Please please just do a call back on me and it's not Christmas yet so I can possibly be remade. That's make me oh so happy.

I'm Feeling Useless

Posted by Toyomi on Monday, September 19, 2011.
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I'm not even sure she knows what to write anymore. Why do I say that you ask? She literally sat and stared at me for about 15 minutes before she logged on to her computer. She didn't say much but I could read her mind. I knew that she was running out of ideas and was becoming frustrated. I knew that in her head she was frantically searching for something to lifelessly type on the keyboard. She also put me off until the end. She purposely did every single other subject rather than write about me. I don't understand what's so hard but then I know what you all thinking. You're just an iPod holder for peat-sakes; what d you expect her write about? Well anyway I guess it's a good thing she's typing it now but I can see the confusion in her face. She looks fed up and drained. It's like I'm the last thing she wants to look at. I don't blame her. I know how boring I am.


Posted by Toyomi on Friday, September 16, 2011.
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Everyone knows the age old topic of abortion. If you don't know what an abortion is; it is purposely killing a baby after it has been conceived. Most people believe that abortion is wrong. They also believe that you should not be responsible for taking a life away especially a baby. Many people are pro-life and want abortion to be illegal. Heated debates go on involving this topic. There is no right or wrong answer I guess, but I think it's all in what you prefer.

Me personally I believe that an abortion isn't a big deal. The way I see it is you do whatever is that is right for you. For instance you could've been raped and the result of that rape was your pregnancy. Now this situation is perfect for abortion. For the rest of your life if you have this baby you will be haunted by the rape. This would be an unfortunate situation for someone and they shouldn't have to suffer for it. Also if you're just young and dumb and you didn't use proper protection and you find yourself pregnant. If you know you aren't going to be able to parent this baby then why keep it inside you? The best way I can explain this situation is why does everyone else care what someone else is doing to their body? The way I see it is mind your own business and go on with your life. Keep your nose out of everyone's business and let them decide what is right for them. There are many reasons for abortions. Those reasons are that of the person who is thinking of getting the abortion. This is not up to society at all.